Webmaster Services

InmoTech Webmaster Services
With our webmaster services, you have access to a team of professional web designers, developers, and marketing professionals.
As most real estate websites do not require a full-time webmaster or developer, InmoTech offers professional Webmaster Service Packages to assist you with the maintenance and care of your website.
Our highly experienced webmasters work for you on an hourly basis – charged by the minute.
Note: Your Webmaster Hours will not be used to solve bugs or for support requests that fall within our standard support coverage which is part of your annual license fee.
Webmaster Services for Inmotech’s Real Estate Websites
One of the main reasons that WordPress is so popular is that it allows users to make changes to their websites themselves, with no programming knowledge, just some basic training.
But keeping your website up-to-date and to perform regular SEO tasks to get or to maintain Google rankings still takes time, time that you could spend on your real estate business activities.
When you choose for InmoTech’s Webmaster Services, it’s like having your own webmaster working right there for you — at a small fraction of the cost.
Prices as from August 1, 2022
The minimum charge is €60
Work is charged by the minute
5 hours … €250 (€50.00 p/hour)
10 hours … €470 (€47,00p/hour)
25 hours … €1.100 (€44,00 p/hour)
50 hours … €2.000 (€40,00 p/hour)
From Website (Re-)Design, SEO, Google Adwords & Re-Marketing, Content Management, Web Maintenance, Email Support or simple Troubleshooting – your webmaster activities are covered.
to discuss how InmoTech webmaster services can benefit you